Romana's Pilates Teacher Training Program in Israel

For the first time in Israel! Romana's Pilates teacher training program for classical Pilates. 

A most comprehensive and thorough training program, taught by leading Pilates teachers in the organization that come to Israel from different countries (Italy, the Netherlands, USA and more) 

The program prepares teachers to a way of learning and teaching the Pilates method the way Joe wanted.

 לפרטים על הקורס הבא חייגו 058-545-5456 

Why Romana's Pilates?

Tradition and History

Romana's Pilates is a family organization run by three generations of teachers:


After Joseph Pilates's death, Clara Pilates and Romana kept running his studio and maintained his method in the most precise way possible. Later, Romana took it upon herself to hand off the method, through it's smallest details, to the next generation of teachers, and based an international training program and a global network of schools and studios that are proud to be part of the tradition. The senior teachers of the organization are based all around the globe and are personally responsible for maintaining the highest level of professionalism of the apprentices through a series of exams and seminars as part of the program.

Strict requirements

  • Initial Assessment
  • a minimum of 600 hours that include observing classes, private classes, self training, and weekly meetings
  • Written and practical exams as a requirement of advancing to the next level of the program
  • Final exam of the program held in Romana's Pilates studio in the Hague

Comprehensive and Thorough Training

The program includes a profound familiarity with the choreography of the Repertoire, understanding the sequence of the exercises, the objectives of the exercises, dealing with different injuries and understanding how to modify the class to be effective even with an injured client.

The program includes learning all the Pilates equipment in that have been in used since Joe's studio was the only one in the world

Pilates without borders

Training programs take place in Romana's studios all around the world, and it is possible to join seminars at any studio today and always. Any Romana's Pilates teacher is always welcome to observe and join classes in any of the organization's studios in the world and learn from the best in the world 

Romana's Pilates symposium, Prague 2018

Continued Education

Like any other profession, Romana's teachers are required to attend at least one day of continued education annually. Every year there are numerous events around the world that are open to Romana's Pilates teachers, where they can also have private lessons with the best teachers in the world

The Program Phases


To join the rewarding journey of becoming a Romana's Pilates teacher, the future apprentice must complete an assessment with the program's director. Preparation for the assessment will be a few months before the assessment day.


  • Precise execution of the Intermediate Reformer and Mat, without instructions
  • Knowing the basic-intermediate level of the rest of the system
  • Fundamental concepts and understanding the six basic principles of the Pilates method

Phases 1-3

The program consists of 3 phases: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. Each apprentice must fulfill the requirements of the phase before advancing to the next one. After finishing all three phases successfully the apprentice will get a certificate signed by Grand Master Sari Mejia Santo

Every phase includes:


A two-day seminar, taught by a senior Romana's Pilates teacher, that teaches the apprentices all the knowledge they need for that level. Work will focus on getting familiar with the exercises, understanding them, practicing both performing and teaching of every exercise. The apprentices will learn the objectives of the exercises, how and when to teach it for the first time, working with injuries, and how to create effective and challenging work adjusted to the needs of every client.

Training hours

Each apprentice is required to complete a minimum of 200 hours (600 total) that include:

 Observing classes and training to strengthen the knowledge that was taught during the seminar

Weekly apprentice meetings with the program director and the other apprentices

Private classes to improve the technique, precision and flow of the personal Pilates training

Exams and assessments

After completing the requirements of each phase the apprentice will be assessed in a practical exam, where they will show their readiness to continue to the next phase. Phases 2 and 3 include written exams as well.

Continued Professional Education


To maintain the consistent quality of teaching the Romana's Pilates network, every teacher is required to attend at least one CPE annually.

Events are held a number of times per year in central cities all around the world, where teachers from all around can form bonds and find support from other teachers.


20 Lohamei Hagetaot St. Ramat Hasharon, Israel


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